Repair, restoration, refinish of antique
Other Projects
On my website you will find few examples of Renovation. What does this term mean? It concerns the refurbishment or renewing something. The Furniture, works of art or paintings as well as buildings can be a subject to renovation or restoration.
Usually the meaning of renovations brings to mind another term, what is an antique so the priceless object , unique, one of a kind and historic. To be delighted of their originality we should sometimes put them to the refurbishment and renovation.
Antique renovation is time-consuming process, requiring a huge engagement as well as substantial degree of patience, precision and esthetic sense. Working professionally on antique renovation from few years I devote on refurbishment old, historic furniture. For me every single piece has not only historic worth but I think it has also its own soul, that’s why I deal with antiques very carefully and gently.
What does actually antique renovation such as antique furniture consist in? First of all the main target is to recover old glare and magnificence. Processes which are concerned with antique furniture renovation consist of few stages. The first is to carefully clean out the piece, structure strengthening and underscoring rich pattern-designing. Next we do certain steps to recover old, primeval appearance of renovated piece, what we can see on my pictures.
Some other projects
Mahogany tables | Night table | Coffee table | Boxes on the blocks was made special order for my friend. It is made from walnut tree exactly in scale 1/16, has one drawer and is finished with a shellac-friendly toys. I believe with objects made of wood are always more stable, and no once can be true antique.
If you want to contact me you can email me and attach the pictures. Email contact is more helpful for me because seeing the photos I can figure out what the problem is, and estimate accurately the cost of repair. I will do my best to answer as soon as possible.
Slawomir Lesnicki 615 4th Street Lyndhurst 07071 NJ
e-mail: If you need to call me: (201) -737-8347